So once again the last hectic days before the winter solstice and the time we have chosen to call Yuletide is here. Simply put, it can be said that it extends to 19th January 2022. This is because what we today often call midwinterblot, which in the sources is called Hókunótt / Yule (jól) and lasts for three days 17-19th January.
Both the sources and other research show that the Old Norse Yule was celebrated after the christian christmas which then (and today around the world) is December 25th. It is also mentioned that Haakon the Good moved the pagan festival to the same date as the christian holiday to make it easier for the “heathens” to embrace them with a festivity relatively close in time.
Most Asatruers in Scandinavia today, celebrate Yule at December 24. Therefore, this year we chose to call the time from the winter solstice until the end of Hókunótt / Yule and its midwinter blot in January for Yuletide. We want to take the opportunity right now, to wish you all a REALLY God Jól and a Happy New Year no matter when YOU celebrate.
We are now going on a little Yule vacation, and other than the daily operating, will be postponed.
By Odin
Nordic Asa-community